An environment for real people to meet a real Jesus.
Sunday Mornings at 10am
At Cross Current you won’t be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. No matter what you’ve been through or what questions you might have, our church is a place where you’ll find the grace, mercy and forgiveness Jesus gives to all. Come and be part of our family this Sunday.
Whether it’s your first time at church or you’ve gone to church for years, our Sunday service is a welcoming place for you to enjoy worshipping Jesus with others. Community makes life better and reminds us that we can’t do life alone.
For Kids
KidZone is the name of our Children’s Ministry at Cross Current Church and is led by a team of staff and volunteers whose passion is children and whose vision is “An environment for real kids to meet a real Jesus”! Designed for ages 0 up to 5th grade, our goal is to provide a fun and interactive program tailored just for kids no matter what age and grade to help them know Jesus and grow spiritually as they build meaningful relationships with other children and adults!
For 6-12 Grade
Our students in 6-12 grades meet on Wednesday nights at 5:30pm for connection and games. We encourage our students to attend Sunday morning services!
CC Cares
Our food pantry is available for those in need!
We offer life coaching and ley counseling through our Hope Center. Life is tough as it is and we are here to help!